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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

In fremdn land (In a foreign land) - revenge of the deserted mother.

As you've noticed by now, Morris Rund's view of the world was bleak. In his songs, wives betray husbands, husbands slave away while their wives gobble oysters, and (here) bad husbands force their wives into prostitution. And all the time, complaints about the "new land" - if things were so great for him in Austria, why did he leave?

I recently posted a song about similar goings on in Argentina: Hert oys gute brider, in which a girl marries in Warsaw, hoping to improve her station in life, and then gets dragged to Buenos Aires to become lebedike skhoyre (lively or living merchandise).

There are SO many Yiddish songs warning girls about becoming too modern or independent. Samet un zayd is a classic - a girl goes with a guy because she'd like nice clothes, and in the second verse the ambulance is bringing her to the hospital in her finery and she expires.

The Rund text here was set to the melody of the Solomon Smulewitz mega-hit A brivele der mamen, a tearjerker about a guy who leaves home and has the good life in America and forgets his mother and then his mother up and dies. In THIS song, though, because it's a girl who leaves instead of a boy, it's she who dies.

Well, enough editorializing, here's the recording I made yesterday:

Transliteration and translation after the jump.

"Mayn tokhter forst yetst zukhn broyt, gedenk dayn mames lere
Zogar kholile in hunger, noyt hitn zolstu gut dayn ehre
Gedenk, tokhter mayn, ver nit dort tsu shand
"For" dayn mame vinsht dir glik
Un bald avek iz zi in a fremden land dort veynt zi un benkt tsurik

Zi layd a shrek fardint keyn sent
Volt vider yetst ir heym gekent
Zi veynt un klogt un brekht di hent

In fremdn land tsu forn ver es ken farshporn
Derveyst vi zis di heym iz er tut tsu keynem darfn
Nor der vos tut zayn heym farmaydn der muz shreklekh laydn
Vey tsu dem vos lozt zayn heym un vert in fremdn land farvarfn

Fariber iz monatn fir, di tokhter iz shoyn fil freyde
Forgeshtelt hot zikh a 'boy' far ir un geheyrat oy hobn zey beyde
Nor plutsim hert vi shreklekh iz ir payn
Oyshaltn ver iz dos umshtand
Tsu lebn fun shand tsvingt zi der man vayl elnt iz zi in land
Es kimert yetst keynem tsu ir, tsvor zi layd nokh mer vi frier
Un gist mit trern on a shir!

In kaltn 'room' dort af a bet dort kent ir zen yetst lign
Di tokhter krank, ir man iz avek, shreklekh hot er zi batrign
Nishto dort ver zol treystn zi in noyt
A bisl vaser ir gebn
Zi bet af zikh dem shreklikhn toyt fun shande vil zi nit lebn
Un plutsim, okh, zi iz bafrayt, Zi shtarbt avek dort shtilerheyt
Un dos vor ire letste reyd:

My daughter, you're traveling now to seek bread,
Remember your mother's teaching
Even, God forbid, in times of hunger and want, protect your honor!
Remember, my daughter, whom not to shame - for your mother wishes you happiness.
And soon she's away to a foreign land, there she cries and longs for home.
She suffers terribly, doesn't earn a cent,
she wishes she could go home again,
She cries and laments and wrings her hands.

Going to a foreign land: one who can avoid it
Knows how sweet home is, owes nothing to anyone...
But one who leaves home must suffer terribly.
Woe to she who leaves her home and becomes lost in a foreign land.

Four months pass, the daughter is already happy!
A boy introduced himself to her and they got married.
But suddenly, hear how terrible is her pain, nobody can bear it:
Her husband forced her to live in shame because she is alone in the land.
Nobody watches out for her now,
she suffers even more than before
And her tears pour endlessly!

In a cold room there on a bed you can see her lie.
The daughter's sick. Her husband is gone, he deceived her terribly.
There's nobody there to comfort her in her destitution or give her a little water.
She wishes death upon herself, she doesn't want to live in shame.
And suddenly she is freed!
She dies quietly there,
And this was the last thing she said.

For sheet music and/or performances contact me:

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