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Monday, May 9, 2016

New album available: Vos Hot Men Tsu Mir? (What Have They Got Against Me?) 17 gaslight Yiddish songs with texts and translations

I'm not sure I even really would call this an album, and I'm even more hesitant to call it a cd, because there will never be "physical product" and I didn't go into a studio to mix or master the tracks. They are just as you heard them first on this blog, warts and all... some are very warty because I had bronchitis for six months...

... my daughter and her husband don't even have anything in their house to play cds on any more (my son either). They only listen to mp3s. I guess that's the future...

Although this album has only a front cover, it comes with a 31 page pdf file of all the texts and translations. Click on the picture to visit it at our record label, Skylark Productions:


- Dem bekers laydn (The Baker's Suffering)
- Di Terkishe Bulgarishe milkhome (The Turkish Bulgarian War)
- Di yesoymim (The Orphans)
- Di yidishe hofenung (The Jewish Hope)
- Dos mezuzele (The Little Mezuzah)
- Dos shop meydl (The shopgirl)
- Got zet ales un er shvaygt (God sees all and is silent)
- Ikh hob nisht keyn tsayt! (I don't have time)
- Ikh un mayn sheyne mishpokhe (Me and My Beautiful Family)
- Khaye Sores brif (Khaye Sore's letter)
- Kol Yisroel Khaveyrim (All Jews are Friends)
- Lebn zol Kolumbus! (Long live Columbus!)
- Mayn kales apetit (My fiancee's appetite)
- Mayn vayb's vunder (My wife's wonder)
- Vert a boarder! (Become a boarder!)
- Vos hot men tsu mir? (What do people have against me?)
- Vu nemt men a fraynd (Where does one find a friend?)

For sheet music and/or performances contact me:

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