Index (searchable) to Yiddish Penny Songs
I embedded a Google spreadsheet with this information, but it doesn't get indexed by the search engines, so here is a plain text version of it, updated February 2016. If a search engine brought you here, check the spreadsheet or write me Write me for more information:
These are the songs in my book, American Yiddish Penny Songs by Morris Rund and others.
Song name,Alternate names,Found online?,Designated melody,Performer,composer/lyricist,Misc,
23 Skidoo - 2,,,Room to let,"
Aher gey - 4,A her geh,,Der tayvl (Der tayfel),Herr Goydel,Morris Rund and Goldberg?,"Louis Gilrod and David Meyerowitz recorded a song of the same name on April 7, 1915 for Columbia",
Aher gey Tsar Nikolay - 6,,,,Abe karp
Al Tashlekhnu - 50,"Al Tashlichenu, Al Tashlicheinu",,Joseph Brody & Louis Friedsel,Hyman Adler,,,
Amerikaner housekeepers - 8,,,Rund's Dayenu
Der Amerikaner seder - 9,,,None given,Madam Littman,Max Zavodnick (Max Zavodnik)
Arbeter! Vakht oyf - 11,,,Dos emese yidishe hertz (Das emese Yidishe harz),,,"Kalman Juvelier ""Das emese yidische harz"" 1908",
Dem arbeters hand - 14,Es lebe dem arbeiter's hand,,,,"A. Mesco, J. Davidoff"
Dem arbeters kampf - 16,,,Keyn Tsion
Dem arbeters lid - 18,,,The Mother of the Girl I Love
Dem arbeters shtrebn - 22,,,None given
Dem arbeters trer - 23,,,Got un zayn mishpet iz gerekht
Di bankrotirte dray benk - 24,,,Di troyke (Di troike)
Beker Reb Nokhum - 26,,,Fregt mikh bekheyrem,,Morris Rund,"This is only a title page, no lyrics",
Dem bekers laydn - 27,,,Pastechel from Bar Kochba,Elizabeth Tuchman,,"Not the common folk song, not perlmutter/wohl",
Der ben yokhid - 28,,,None given
Bet es im - 31,"bet's ihm, vet er ach geben",,,Joseph Feldman
Dos bintl brif - 33,Dos bintel brief,,Ikh vil a vayb (not the Fuchs one),Morris Goldstein,Louis Gilrod,,
Biznes in Amerika- 34,Business in America; Bisness in America,,,Alex Silberstein,Alex Silberstein,fau recording Sam Silberbush ,
Der blumenkrantz - 35,Die blumen krenze,,,Clara Young,Solomon Small
Der blutiker yam - 36,,,Di prayz fun libe (The Price of Love)
Brider arbeter - 38,,
A brivele dem tatn - 40,,
A brivele der kale - 42,A brievele der kale,,,,M. Aronsohn & J Rumshisky
A brivele der mamen - 44,"A brievele der mamen, A brivele der mame",,,,Smulewitz
Dayenu - 45
Dayenu in milkhome - 47
Donkey monkey biznes - 48,Donkey Monkey Business,,,Bessie Tomashefsky,Louis Friedsel
"Eili eili 49, 292","Eli, Eli, lomo ozavtoni",,,,Rumshinsky
Emeleks mapole - 51,,,Vi gefelt aykh aza border?
Epes nokh- 53,"Nokh a bisl, Noch a bissel un eppes noch",,,Simon Paskal,gilrod rubinstein,,
Es geyt mir iber dos harts - 54,Mir geyt iber dos harts,,,"Itzkowich, Karl, vocalist Zehngut, Oskar, violinist"
Di fargangenheyt - 55,der tog vos geyt avek kumt shoyn nit mer
Farges nit kadish zogn - 56,,possibly at FAU,Shenkt a nedove; Schenkt a nedova; Shenkt A Nedoweh,,,Franklin tune on LOC is the wrong one. Minnie Birnbaum FAU might be correct (check),
Dos fartribene taybele - 58,Dus fertribene teibele; dus fertreebene teibele,,,,Sigmund Mogulesco? Golddfaden & Friedsel,"From ""Ben Ami""",
Di farvoglte shif - 60,,,A beymele hobn undzere oves avoseynu in der vilde viste geflantst (Goldfaden Meylitz Yoysher),,éùøàì áïÎéîéðé
Der fayer eskeyp -64,,,On the Dear Old Farm,,,I have only the chorus for the tune. It's neither of the songs at the LOC website with same name.,
Dos ferdl -65,Dus ferdil,,,,Goldfaden and Mogulesco,"From ""Ben Ami""",
Di fir doktoyrim - 67,,,Men shtupt zikh
Franz Yoysef’s toyt - 69,,,She is more to be Pitied than Censured
Fraytik af der nakht - 71,"Freitag auf der nacht, Fraytig oyf der nakht",,,,,"
Fregt mikh bekheyrem - 72
Fridn - 73,Ven di boyes veln kumen tsurik,
A froy in mayn shikzal iz shuldik - 74,,,She is more to be Pitied than Censured
Di froyen in butsher strayk - 75
Gimpel Beynish der shadkhn - 77,"Gimpel Beinish, Gimpel Bainish",,Dayenu by Morris Rund,,,The ones at FAU and LOC are not this one,
Got zet ales - 78,,,And Her Golden Hair Was Hanging Down Her Back,Dale Evans at Youtube
Dos greste yam umglik - 81,,,New Yorker Trern
A grus fun der heym - 83,A geruss fun der heim; a gruss fun der heim; A gerus fin der haym; gruss fun der haym,,,Naum Coster at FAU
Hakt hakt hakt - 85,,,Next next next
Hamavdil - 86,,,,,,"not William Robyn National Jukebox, not Rumshinsky and not Meyerowitz",
Di havdole - 87
Hering mit patates - 88,Herring mit Potatoes and many spellings,,,Simon Paskal; Miriam Kressyn,Isidore Lillian,,
Dos heylike zekele - 90,Di zekele; Das heilige sekele,,,,"Otto Motzan, Louis Gilrod"
Di hitzn - 91,,,Rund's Dayenu
Hurrah fir red white blue - 93,,,,,,not the ones on loc,
Ikh hob mayn vayb ibergefikst - 94,"Dos Ibergefixte Weib, Dos ibergefi?s?e ?ayb",,Bill of Fare by Samolesko (Samulesko),Morris Goldstein,aka David Samuels,different couplets,
Ikh hob nisht keyn tsayt - 96,,,I'm Afraid To Come Home In the Dark,,Hyman Altman to tune by Egbert Van Alstyne
Ikh ken fiksen - 97,,,Men shtupt zikh
Ikh mit mayn sheyne mishpokhe - 98,Ich mit mein sch?ner Mischpuche,,Molly and I and the Baby,Itzkowich and Zehngut (available at NLI)
In dem iz shuldik nor mayn noz - 102,"In dem is shuldig nur mein nas ""Shuldik in dem iz nor mayn noz"" Molly Picon the same?",,,Mr Kasten,Perlmutter and Small
In fremden land - 103,,,A brivele der mamen
Ip-ay-eri - 105,,,Yip I addy I ay! ,,John H. Flynn,,
Itzik - 106,,,Epes nokh
Jeykl - 108,"Jackele, Jeykele",,,Clara Gold
A kadish nokh Nikolayen - 109,,,Yitgadal vyitkadash úåãì åéú÷ãù
Kayzer Vilhelms mapole - 117,,,,SAME TUNE AS FRIDEN
Keyn nar zol men nit zayn - 119,,,A mentsh zolstu nor zayn,,,I could use old tracks with Ken & Jim,
Khapn zol zey di kholera - 122,,,none,,Morris Rund
Khaveyrim khazeyrim - 124,,,In My Harem (Irving Berlin)
Khaye Sores brif - 125,,,Faryomert farklogt
A kholem fun yener velt - 127,,,none
A khoyv der mamen - 128
Di khupe - 129,Die chupe,,,,Hyman Altman
Dos kihele - 130,,,,,,A declamation (no tune),
A kind - 131,,,A mensh zol men zayn
Kinder mageyfe - 132
Der klokmeykers strayk - 134
Kol yisroel khaveyrim - 136,Kol Isroel chaverim,,,,Gilrod & Meyerowitz
Kol mkoydesh - 138
Kolumbus’es golden land - 139,same as the next song.,,,,Eliakum Tsunser
Kolumbus mit zayn golden land - 141,Columbus Mit Sein Golden Land,,,Sam Silberbush
Korbones fun Essex Strit fayer - 111,,,Di shlekhte tsayt
Korbones fun shif Titanic - 115,,,Shenkt a nedove (Perlmutter & Wohl),Mrs. R. Prager,Arnold Perlmutter; Herman Wohl
Krig un fridn - 142,,,A grus fun der heym
Dos lebedike yesoymele - 143,Lebedige Yisoimele,,,Kalman Juvelier,Arnold Perlmutter; Herman Wohl,,
Lebn zol Franz Yoysef un Wilhelm - 144,,,Lebn zol Kolumbus,,Perlmutter & Wohl,,
Lemekhs kholem - 145,,,Mayn vaybs kheyshek
Leo Frenk - 147
Di levieh - 149
Libersht iz tsu blaybn a moyd - 152,Beser iz tsu blaybn... A yor nokh mayn khasene,,,,,recorded on other site,
Dos lid fun nokh der fayer - 155,,,She is more to be Pitied than Censured
Dos lid fun Yarmolovksi - 156
Dos lid fun yetstiker krizis - 158
Di lid tsum pedler - 160
Di mame darf a malke zayn - 164
A mames shmertz - 167,,,Der blumenkrants - Die blumen krenze
Der man mit der nodl un di sher - 169
Mayn kales apetit - 178,,,Bill of Fare (Not the Samulesko),,Karl Merz,Der Speisezettel,
Mayn landsman Khaym Ber 172,,,Nokh Amerike iz gekumen Reb Vole
Mayn shviger ikh shtel zi aykh for - 174
Mayn vayb mit dem border - 175,,,,,,No information on sheet,
Mayn vaybl Sorele -176,,,Di mume Glikele (Die m?me gl?ckele)
Mayn vaybs kheyshek - 179
Mayn vaybs mayles - 180,"Mein veib du alte klipe, di alte klipeh",,I Wish I Was In Dixie,Gus Goldstein
Mayn vaybs vunder - 182,,,Gottes wunder
Mazltov - 184,,,"Tipperary
Dem melameds mapole - 186,,,Di troyke (Di troike)
Men shtupt zikh - 188
Mendl Beilis bafrayung - 189
A mentsh zol men zayn - 191,A mentsh zolstu nor zayn; Mensch Sol Men Sein; Mensch Soll Man Sein; Mensh zol men zein; Mensh zol men zein,,,,,"
Dos mezuzele - 192,Das mzuzele,,,,1909 Hyman Altman - sheet music at FAU but not online
Milkhome - 194,Die Milchume,,,Abraham Rosenstein
Milkhome korbones - 195,Same song as Milkhome
Milkhome trern - 197
Di missus mit di finf boarders -199,,,Tammany,,,There are four verses and only four boarders,
Mister bay vos arbet ir? - 201,Mister by vos arbeit ihr,,,Nellie Casman,,The Robert and Molly Friedman collection has the printed sheet music and gave me a copy,
Mitsrayim - 202
Mitsves shtekn - 170
Moyshe rabeynu - 204,Moishe Rabeinu,
Di neshome fun mayn folk - 205,"LOC: Die neshume fin mein folk, neshomeh fun mein folk, Neshome fin Mein Folk, Die Neshume Von Mein Folk",,,"Max Yankowitz, Simon Paskal"
New York fartog - 208
Di New Yorker trern - 209,Die New Yorker Trehren,,,"Frances Simonoff, William schwartz"
A New York yingele - 210
Next next next - 211
On a kind - 213,,,Der blumenkrants
On a vayb - 216,Ohn a vayb = Un a weib,,,Joseph Feldman
Oy der purim - 218
Oylem habe - 220,NOT Oilom habe of Friedsel
Papa mit dem shikhele - 221
Dos pintele yid - 222,Das pintele Yud; das pintele yid,,,Paskal,,,
Plezhur - 223
Der pogrom bay der levaye - 226
Reb yidl gib gelt - 230,Reb Yudel gib gelt
Rusland bafrayt - 231
Shabes koydesh - 233,Shabes koides Schabes koidesch Shabbos kodesh,,,Hyman Adler,Otto Motzan,also at Dartmouth,
Dos shefele - 235,Das shaifele,,,,"H. Altman, Perlmutter & Wohl"
Di shkheyne fun nekst dor - 237
Der shnayder strayk - 239,,,Take a Car,Collins & Harlan 1905,Ted Snyder ,also,
Sholem beyes - 241,Sholem beias,,,,"Solomon Small, Brody & Friedsell"
Di shop meydl - 242,,,Yoseml Yosoymele
Dos shterbns lid fun Yakev Gordon - 244,,,In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree
Shtey oyf mayn man - 247,"Steh auf mein Mann, Shtey uf mayn man",,,G. Z. Weismann 1908 Poland
Di shtifmame - 249,Die Shtieff Mama,,,,Rubin Doctor
Soldat - 251
Steam - 252,,,It looks to me like a big night tonight
Der talis - 253,Der talles,
Tate mamenyu - 254,,,Yoseml Yosoymele,,,not the one on National Jukebox,
Tate mames frayndshaft - 256,same song as above,,Yoseml Yosoymele
Di Terkishe Bulgarishe milkhome - 257,,,Der blumenkrants
Tif in drerd - 259,,,Got un zayn mishpet
Der tog vos geyt avek - 261,Tag Was Geht Avek,,,Abraham Moscowitz
Troyer lid - 262
Dos troyer lid fun der groyser milkhome - 265
Dos troyer lid - 267
Tsi hot ir nit gezen mayn Moyshn - 268,Hot Ihr Nit Gesehn Mein Moishe; zu hot ihr nit gesehen mein moishe,,,Bessie Thomashefsky,Perlmutter & Wohl
Tsores fun a vayb - 269
Tsum tayvl - 271,,,,,Fishel Singer
Tsurik keyn tsion - 272,,
Tsvey gute brider - 273,"Tsvey gute brederlekh, Tsvey gute briderlakh",,Two Little Girls in Blue
Di tsvey shvester - 277,Dus shayfele,,Dos shefele,,words Morris Rund to preexisting tune by Perlmutter & Wohl
Di tsvey yesoymim - 278,Zve isoimim,,,Joseph Feldman
Di tsveyte mame - 280,,,Di prayz fun libe
Varshe genumen - 281
Ven der tants geyt on - 283,,,While the Dance Goes On
Ven di boyes veln kumen tsurik
Ven du veynst veynstu aleyn - 287,"Ven du weinst un ven du lachst; Wen, Doo, Veinst",,,Alex Silberstein,Alex Silberstein,Recording:,
Ven men ruft dikh tsurik - 289,"Wen men ruft dich zurik, wen men rooft deer tzurik, Wen men rift dich zurik",,,Morris Goldstein,Meyerowitz,"
Vert a boarder - 290 ,,,Leben sol Columbus,,Perlmutter & Wohl,recording of Columbus by Abraham Rosenstein,
Vi a foter kumt tsu eyn kind - 291,Der alter foter,,,,Eliakum Tsunzer
Vi di bosses driken di arbeter - 293,,,Gots vunder (gottes wunder),Pinkhus Braverman
Vi gefelt aykh mayn plan - 297,,,Mr. Dooley,Dan Quinn,WILLIAM JEROME AND JEAN SCHWARTZ,"A famous Irish-Jewish song- writing team who first won favor with ""Bedelui,"" and ""Mr. Dooley. ",
Va-yiyten lekoho - 301,åéúï ìê Weyiten l'cho; Jiten lecho; Ve-yiten Lecha,,,Simon Paskal,Rumshinsky & Smulewitz,,
Vos hot men tsu mir - 303,,,Company,,Louis Friedsell
Vos vet zayn der sof - 305,Was wet sein der sof,,,Sigmund Feinman,I. Reingold & G. Mendelsohn
Vos vet di ende zayn - 306
Vu nemt men a fraynd - 299,Vi nemt men a fraynd,,Ven men ruft dikh tsurik,,,Wen men rooft deer tzurik,
William McKinley’s last goodbye - 308,,,A blum un a kveyt
Yaki dula hiki du - 312,Yaaka Hula Hickey Dula; Hawaiian Love Song,,,,,Al Jolson: and Harlan,
Di yesoymim - 313,,,There Never Was a Girl Like You,Harry MacDonough (the original song),,The first one I found by Chas Baer was WRONG,
Di yetstike troyke - 315,,,Di yidishe troyke (truncated)
Der yetstiker yakres - 317,,,Di knishes
Yidish blut - 319
Di yidishe fon - 321
Di yidishe hofenung - 324,Not the Goldfaden one!,,It's a long way to Tipperary,Edward King 1914 (Tipperary)
Di yidishe shiteh - 326
Di yidishe troyke - 327
Der yidisher martirer - 329,,LOC probably wrong one
Yudl mit zayn fidl - 333,? ééãì îéèï <îéè æééï> ôéãì àéæ ååòøè îéìéàðòï âòìè [áéöåò îå÷ìè],,,,Fishel Zinger (not Hyman Altman or Shlomo Lindenfeld),Not the famous one from decade later,
Dem yidns laydn - 335,,,Only a Jew by Moses Besso and John Lawson,Ike Freedman,lyrics Karl Zilberman
A yisker nokh tate mame - 337
Yitgadal - 339
Yom hachupo - 341,Yom hakhupeh,,,,"Joseph Brody, Friedsell & Solomon"
Der yontevdiker kidish - 342
Der yoseml - 344,Das Jusemil; Yusemil. dus yussemil,,,Simon Paskal,,"from Goldfaden's Ben Ami. Sheet music:
Zay a tate tsu dayn kind - 346,Sei a tate zu dein kind,,,"Rosa Klug, Simon Paskal",Hyman Altman,Paskal recording:,
Dos zekele - 347,See dos heylike zekele above
Di zi - 349,,,Sweet Marie
Der zig fun di klokmeykers - 352,,,Take a Car,,,sheet music,
Zol zayn mit mazl - 354
Zumer baynakht af di rufn - 356,Zumer bay nakht,,On a Good Old Trolley Ride
Leben zol Kolumbus,,
Havdole gut shabes,,
Gimpl Beynish (really cute),,,,,,,
For sheet music and/or performances contact me:
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